Part 2. The ChoiceInside RootcoreUdonna:Come here i would like you to see something.
Madison:What kind of book is that ive never seen anything like it?
Xander:Chip proberly knows it you know hes into that stuff.
Chip:Very funny Xander but..ive never seen anything like that.
Udonna:500 years ago, 5 mystical warriors saved the human and magic world from evil. In memory of the great warriors, 5 wands were made. These wands hold great power.But they were locked away here at Rootcore until they are needed again.
They are needed now that is why you five are here.
Xander:So you mean we are going to be like gods?
Vida:Xander...always thinking about the fame..
Chip: Yes! atlast my dreams have come true!
Madison: umm..Im not so sure.
Nick:Guys this all could be a big joke.
Udonna:Take these, never leave without them..Chip you will be the yellow mystic ranger, wise and brave.
Madison, you will be the blue mystic ranger,Cunning and hopeful.
Udonna: Vida, you will become the pink mystic ranger, great minded and full of power.
Xander, you will be the green mystic ranger..full of friendship and never a dought.
Udonna: And Nick..You will become the the red mystic ranger..Strong and shows great leadership.
Chip:Yellow? great...just what i wanted..
Madison:Chip dont be so rude.
Clare:Udonna! Udonna we have a problem.
Udonna:Yes? what is it child?
Clare:*whispers in Udonna's ear*
Udonna:You must stay here, do not leave this place until i return.
Clare:Becareful Udonna..
Clare:Oh..Hello again..
Xander:What was that all about?
Clare:What are you talking about?
Vida:Why did she leave?
Nick:And what are you supposed to be?
Clare:I'm.....I'm a..Sorcerer..but im not a good one yet.
Nick:A Sorcerer? please dont make me laugh..
Clare(OS):No really i am..
Nick: Guys let get out of here.
Xander & Vida:Right!
Chip:Right behind ya.
Madison: uhh bye clare..
Nick: Now lets find our way out of here.
Chip: Yeah lets..
Xander:Great...we've been spotted..
Udonna:Where are you going? I thought i told you to stay at Rootcore where it is safe.
Madison:What happened here? It looks like its been destroyed..
Chip:Wow what a bummer.
Udonna:This innocent town was destroyed at night by a creature that no one has seen before.
Guy:They are here! Hail the mystic force!
Xander:Told you i was well known around here *Grins*
Madison: Whatever Xander..
*Monster Roars*
People in town:Run!!!
Vida:Oh man is that the monster you were talking about?
Chip:Its huge!
Xander:Now that is what i call eating to much beef!
Nick(OS):Xander this is no time for jokes!
Udonna:Stand back! you leave me no choice! *Draws wand*
Udonna:Magical Source! Mystic Force!
Udonna: Flurry of Snow...White mystic ranger!
Vida: Now thats cool!
Chip: Amazing!
Madison:Nice Costume..
Xander:Nick still think this is a joke?
Nick:Not really..
Xander:Ahh guys who invited these?
Madison: Xander enough with the jokes!
Nick:What the hell! get off me!
Madison:No way!!!
Vida:Back off ugly!
Udonna:To use magic all you need to do is believe in magic!
To be Continued!